
Hot Slut Of The Day!

Koko, the man-saving hero cat!
Japan Times says that on June 16, a woman was taking an evening walk around her neighborhood in the Japanese city of Toyama when she noticed a cat staring into the canal all intense-like. Was the cat staring at a fish? Was the cat staring deeply into the dark water, quietly plotting the fall of humanity? Was the cat staring at a man’s body floating on the water? It was that one. And when the woman went to go see what was gripping the pussy’s attention so hard, she noticed the old man lying face down in the water and got help. And now the pussy version of Lassie has been declared a hero!

The canal was 23 inches wide and 16 inches high, and the man was lying in about 6 inches of water, and more water was rushing in. He was not responsive. The woman got help from her daughter, who lives nearby, and Koko’s human, Tomoko Nitta, also heard the commotion and came to the rescue along with Tomoko’s adult sons. They all pulled the man out of the canal and he only suffered some scratches. Authorities say that if the man stayed in the water longer, he could have gone to Jesus.
The Toyama Minami Police Station held a little ceremony where they honored everyone who helped save that man. The humans got certificates and Koko got cat food. “Cheap fucks!” thought Koko. via JT:
Holding Koko in her arms, Nitta said, “I want to tell her well done, as (her discovery of the man) led to his rescue.”
Satoshi Nakada, the chief of the police station, said the “bonds among local residents, including the cat, saved a man’s life.”
Here’s video of the ceremony, and it’s a weird video, because shouldn’t they all be on their hands and knees worshiping Koko for the heroic pussy she is?!

Koko must think humans are so damn weird. She was obviously staring into that canal and internally cackling while watching the slow demise of a human, and she gets praised for it?! Humans!
Pic: YouTube

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